Water Storage

The cross-cutting topic on water storage is supervised by Prof. Dr. Irina Engelhardt (WaX project SpreeWasser:N) and Prof. Dr. Axel Bronstert (WaX project Inno_MAUS). The cross-cutting topic deals with how water storage can be used effectively to achieve an optimal balance between phases of water surplus and low water while maintaining good water quality. To this end, the various water storage methods being researched within the WaX collaborations will be compiled. As a product, a guide presenting the state of research on “Water Retention in the Landscape” is to be produced and made available to the expert public.
For this purpose, a first workshop was held in March at the TU Berlin to find out which approaches to storing water are pursued in the WaX networks and which storage areas are considered, as well as which types of water are used. In addition, a concept for a guideline has already been drafted. In order to systematically record the specific expertise of the WaX alliances on the various aspects of water storage, profiles on water storage in the individual WaX projects are now being compiled.
Here you can gain insights into past and ongoing activities on the cross-cutting topic of “water storage”.
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