Modeling and methods from computer science

The diversity of hydrological challenges requires a broad spectrum of methodological approaches, also from computer science – be it for the determination of runoff events, the development of a decision support system or for dynamic channel network management. Especially recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has gained enormous attention in this regard. But for which approaches is AI particularly suitable in hydrology and what are the limitations? And what other methods from computer science can we use?
The cross-cutting theme serves as an exchange between the alliances on these different approaches. The interest for this was shown in a steering committee meeting in April 2023. In September 2023, a first exchange on the topic now took place in the context of the WaX status seminar. There, some alliances presented the methods used in each case through keynote speeches. In this way, challenges, opportunities and hopes for new methods could be collected and discussed.
Here you can gain insights into past and ongoing activities on the cross-cutting topic “Modeling and methods from computer science”.
Prof. Dr. Sándor Fekete (EXDIMUM)
Other cross-cutting issues
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