Practice Transfer

The cross-cutting topic of practice transfer is supervised by Prof. Günter Müller-Czygan of Hof University of Applied Sciences (WaX-Verbund InSchuKa4.0).
In the cross-cutting topic of practice transfer, the approach is to include practice transfer already in the planning of research projects and not to consider it as the last sub-module. The aim is to achieve a better fit with the actual needs of practice, a higher acceptance of e.g. climate protection measures, and thus also the successful transfer of research results into implementation.
An initial basis for the cross-sectional topic is provided by findings on practice transfer from Hof University of Applied Sciences, which highlight various hurdles and challenges to the topic. These include, for example, complexity, costs incurred and the recognition of added value by the practice partners. The working group will now identify the challenges that arise in the WaX alliances, collect best practice examples and discuss various concepts dedicated to successful practice transfer.
A first workshop on the cross-cutting topic of “Practice Transfer” is planned for early June 2023. Further information will follow.